Zantho was founded out of a vision; the idea of collectively producing exceptional wines that are natural and regionally based.
The foundation was laid in the beginning of the millennium by Josef Umathum, successful winemaker from Frauenkirchen, and oenologist Wolfgang Peck together with chosen members from the cooperative Domaine Andau. Today we cultivate around 80 ha of vineyards in Burgenland. Our focus lies on sustainable and environmentally friendly working methods. The wine with the lizard label is exported to 40 different countries.
The name Zantho builds on our history. Already on the oldest dated document from 1487, which refers to the founding of Andau, Andau is mentioned as Anthwaw or in Old Magyar Zantho (s). The Pannonian forest lizard – the “Dadaraxl” as the Andauer says – adorns our labels. It is mainly located in the Hansag nature reserve, south of Andau, serves as a symbol of our origins and stands for the natural management of our vineyards.
Focus on indigenous
grape varieties
Location of our vineyards
Our vineyards are situated in the lake district in the Burgenland region. Andau, the cradle of great red wine, is the cornerstone of our work – yet our other vineyards are scattered widely across the whole region. That way we have a great spectrum of different microclimate and soil types – perfect conditions to get the best out of each of our different grape varieties.
We are increasingly focusing our efforts on sustainability and ecologically compatible work. We love our vineyards, our region and our people – they are a part of us and a part of our history.
Optimum quality
Our vineyards are cultivated by around 50 local families, that work tediously all year long to secure the high quality of our wines. Each family knows their vineyard by heart and possesses a huge knowledge. Our quality measures where developed in cooperation with Josef Umathum and refined over the years.
Harvest by hand, strict yield reduction, uncompromising canopy management, no use of herbicides, close to nature, crop protection that is gentle to beneficial organisms are just some of our criteria that needs to be fulfilled to become a ZANTHO wine. Our focus lies on indigenous grape varieties – these where able to adjust over centuries to our microclimate and special climate conditions – they feel perfectly at home.