„Studies have indicated that 16 out of 10 people love sweet wine.“
– unknown
The year began with a long winter – we had to wait until mid of April to get some warmer days. In May the combination of rainfall and higher temperatures made the shoots of the vines grow quickly. June was more humid, and July was cooler than usual. In August the sun showed itself more often and the vines finally had time to compensate – the cooler and wetter days before made the vines grow slowly. Harvest began on the 3rd of September – the special thing about this vintage was, that harvested our first Sauvignon Blanc – not bad at alle with 18.5 KMW! We were able to finish the main harvest in the first weeks of October – that way we were safe! To make the vintage perfect we harvested a Trockenbeerenauslese in October and even an exceptional Grüner Veltliner Icewine on the 27th of December.
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