„Small but nice.“
– quote concerning the small yields of the 2010 vintage.
Cold and full of snow – the winter tightens its grip around the lake district. In mid of February the snow starts to melt, and the temperature finally rises towards March – spring-like. Enough rainfall and warm temperatures make the plants grow quiet fast and the bust burst occurs during mid of April. The rapid vegetational growth comes to a halt due to the cooler temperatures in May. The shoots of the vines grew differently fast and developed differently as well. Beginning of June, we received some unwanted visitors in form of thunder- and hailstorms. Luckily, they spared us from visiting too long and we did not have a lot of damage in the vineyards. Afterwards the temperature rises making it ideal for fungus to spread and grow. By targeting specific parcels and using special vineyard working methods, we were able to fight the growing fungus menace. The month of July stays hot – but the summerlike temperature does not seem to have a big effect on the fungus. We began harvest on the 7th of September with the thin-skinned grape varieties. Luckily, we were able to finish our harvest in October before the heavy rainfalls set in all over Austria frustrating many winemakers. The vintage of 2010 was defined by many obstacles and can be categorized as a cool year. It was the vintage with our smallest yield since the founding of Zantho – but die to our strict selection methods during harvest and yield reduction during fungus season, we harvested really exceptional quality!
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no production
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drink / hold
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