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Vintage 2013


“Hot summer and cold winters do not bring us any bad times.” 

–  unknown


The winter and summer were more distinctive than usual in 2013. A very long winter that was also considered to be the winter with the most snowfall in its history in some regions was followed by a cool and wet spring. These weather conditions were the setting for a late bud burst. The flowering brought a low fruit set and revealed that it would be a vintage with a low yield. Mid of June came the shift – warm, dry and stable weather – 40 heat days with temperatures surpassing the 30°C mark – 9 weeks without any rainfall. In August a new record for the hottest day was broken in Austria – these extreme weather patterns troubled the vines. Finally, the much-needed rainfalls came at the end of August and the cooling down for Humans and plants was very welcome. Harvest began on the 14th of September and brought ripe and healthy grapes.

Conclusion: the extreme weather conditions demanded everything from our vines yet also brought as wines full of character. We were able to finish the year with a great Trockenbeerenauslese from the Scheurebe grape variety and even small amounts of Icewine harvested in January of 2014.

Ageing Potential Chart


Brut Rosé


Grüner Veltliner


Muskat Ottonel




Sauvignon Blanc



no production





Sankt Laurent

drink / hold

Pinot Noir


Zweigelt Reserve

drink / hold

Sankt Laurent Reserve

drink / hold

Pinot Noir Reserve

no production

Merlot Reserve

no production

Cuvée 1487 Reserve

no production


no production


drink / hold


drink / hold

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ZANTHO is comitted to the responsible consumption of alcohol. The alcoholic beverages that we offer in our online shop are aimed at people who are of legal drinking age. Please confirm your age to continue. By clicking on this button I confirm that I am of legal drinking age.